Gift packaging and greeting cards



If you would like to send your order as a gift, we offer the following options. Please choose from the drop-down menu at the top of this page:

Gift box
available for 2 or 3 bottles
black cardboard

Gift wrapping
for any number of bottles, will be shipped wrapped in a standard shipping box
black or blue and white striped tissue paper available

Greeting card
A5 size postcard (ca. 15 x 21 cm)
with bottle drawing by Anna Vu @goodwinecrapdrawing

If you would like an individual, handwritten text on the greeting card, please include your personal message in the comment field of your shopping cart. If you do not leave a message, we will send a blank card.

If you would like to have only a part of your order wrapped/packed, or your order shipped to multiple addresses, or if you have any other special request, please contact us by email or leave a message in the comment field at checkout.

Free shipping from 100€ in Germany

7,90€ for smaller orders

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Shipping internationally

to most EU countries

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Local same day delivery available

in Stuttgart

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